Morgan Systems M-601 copper base anti-oxidant compound
Electrical contact between metal surfaces, especially between dissimilar metals can be rapidly compromised in the presence of oxygen, water, salts, pollutants, and other oxidizing agents. Aluminum antenna element material, copper grounding electrodes and even the integrity of mated galvanized tower section joints can he secured and improved with the application of MMI’s M-600 Series conductive surface coatings. These synthetic-based lubricants are heavily loaded with copper, aluminum, nickel, and bronze flakes in the 5-10 micron range. Non-miscible with water or other environmental agents, anti-oxidants provide a conductive medium under pressure to fill voids between mated metal surfaces where low resistance and long term reliability in harsh surroundings are required.
And our M-600-Series compounds offer a variety of engineered solutions designed for specific applications in telecommunications use – not just a single squeeze bottle full of lead powder in a gooey, running oil bath like Burndy Penetrox or Ideal Noalox. Better yet, M-600 Series products have enormous rated temperature working ranges – even when applied under severe pressure or extended time.
Model M-601 – A generous compound of copper flakes in a synthetic base, temperature rating -60F to 1,500F, suggested uses copper-to-copper or copper-to-brass joints, or other joints in which copper or brass is involved in either one or both mated metal surfaces.
Use anti-oxidants in a liberal manner when making connections, allowing excess compound to squirt outward from the joint when pressurized. This excess may be easily captured and restored to original tub for reuse. Anti-oxidants may be cleaned off for recoating with most petroleum distillates or alcohols. Cleanup from bands is with soap and water – non-toxic to touch. Each tub is shipped with owner’s manual / instructions for general usage.