Question:  It says a 347 (or 348 or 349) will protect an eight wire rotator cable.  But the picture shows two rows of screw terminals with only 8 screws visible.  How does this wire up?  it appears there aren't enough screws.  

Answer: The rotator/control line arrestors don't wire with an "in" and an "out" screw.  Of the eight wires in your cable, the yellow wire from the rotator and the yellow wire from the shack both go to the same screw. You can cut the wire and put both ends into the same screw or put both ends into a spade terminal and then put that into the screw.  If we put twice as many terminal strips on the unit to accomodate an "in" and "out" screw, it would cost a lot more.  See pic. Also RTFM :-)  :-)


                                                              This M-348 only has a four wire cable on it at the moment, with four terminals unused.

Question:  What kind of wire connector/spade lug should I use on the wires?

Answer:  Use a spade lug (as pictured) that fits over a #6 screw, and the barrel fits whatever size wire you are using.  We reccommend 14-16 AWG.

Question:  Which model should I use for my Yeasu rotator?

Answer:  Every Yaesu and Hygain rotator uses an M-348.

Question: What if I have an eight wire cable and want to protect four additional 12v wires, can I put all twelve of them on the same M-348b unit?

Answer: Yes you can run more than one thing on the same M-348 unit.

Question: My multi-conductor rotator cable has a drain wire.  Should I bond it to ground at the arrestor?

Answer: Yes the drain wire should be bonded to ground at both ends of the cable, ie, at the rotator and at the arrestor, and the continuation of the cable to the radio shack should also have both ends bonded to ground.